I Think I'm Failing As A Mom.
Last week, as I was trying desperately to run necessary errands and get lunch for my 11 month old at Target, the fit began. She lost it....

If you have any form of social media or happen to know a living, breathing human being, you've heard the "#MeToo" movement circulating...
Why You Need A Divorce
I'm going to speak to two different kinds of people today, and then I want to tell you exactly why I think both of you need a divorce....

What It's Like To Live With Postpartum Anxiety
I remember clearly the day that my ex-husband left; it's as if I can watch it on Netflix at a moment's notice. I walked in the door not...
Why The Thought Of Dating As A Single Mom Terrifies Me
As someone who married at the ripe old age of 18 to the man I had been with since I was 14, I’m a little bit rusty to the whole idea of...
Why My Child Is Not Less Than Your Child
In the short 9.5 months since my daughter was brought into the world, I’ve learned that people pity her for what she came into. They pity...

To The Mom Who Is Dreading Mother's Day
I get it. I know how much this day hurts. I know because I was that girl. I dreaded every pregnancy announcement, every baby picture,...
Why It's Absolutely Okay To Feel Broken
I was you once not too long ago. I woke up wondering what was going to hit me that day. Who was going to betray me. Who was going to...
Dear New Mom
As I sit here typing, I feel like the epitome of "Mom Life". I was just spit up on and had a diaper leak on me while I nursed my tired,...
Lies Every Mom Believes
In the months leading up to and since becoming a mother, I've started seeing a trend of lies that we as mothers are told/believe about...