When Divorce Meets Redemption
You know when you thought that you had adequately dealt with some hard emotions, but an event, a trauma, an encounter brings up an...
How To Keep Moving When You Keep Falling
I wonder what the disciples were thinking during the Last Supper. Was Jesus somber with the weight of what was coming on His shoulders?...

A New Beginning
I didn't think marriage would happen for me again after my divorce, and I'll be honest, I didn't want it to. I wasn't a man-hater that...
A Fork In The Road
It’s been quiet around her for the last several months. I took a hiatus to really dig my heels in and work on my book, but then I hit a...

Finding Worth When You Feel Worthless
The first time I felt damaged. The first time I felt hurt beyond repair. The first time I felt like I failed my children. The first time...

The Anatomy of An Absent Parent.
As a product of divorced parents where my mom didn’t exactly go about telling us in the best way, I know how delicately this sort of...
Women Prefer...
Do you know how much more attractive men with high paying jobs and no family life are to young women? Unfortunately, there are so few of...
Dating And The Single Mom
You may wonder why I'm writing this post. Why me, a single mother in her early 20-somethings that is trying to balance a launching...

You Know My Name, But Not My Story.
"Broken things can become new things. Broken things can become redeemed things, broken things can become resurrected things, broken...
Being A Mom Isn't A Jail Sentence
We've all been there: your friends invite you out for drinks and a movie, and no matter how you finagle it, the logistics just don't...